Monday, October 19, 2009

Philip Treacy

Hat off to Elements @ Elements HK

The ELEMENTS x Philip Treacy “Hats Off To ELEMENTS” exhibition is the most highlyanticipated fashion event in Hong Kong this year. All 35 of the designs in the exhibition will be hand-picked by Philip Treacy himself, including many one-of-a-kind originals that have been worn by stars and celebrities, plus the most representative, world-famous works from the different periods in his career. Never before has a Philip Treacy retrospective of this magnitude been held.

Philip Treacy 帽出夢想

當時裝人都將焦點放在巴黎和米蘭時,國際帽子大師 Philip Treacy 卻來到香港,舉行作品展覽。猜不透 Philip Treacy 答允本地商場邀請舉行作品展的理由,甫見面,忍不住問大師首肯的原因。「我很喜歡 Andy Warhol喜歡大眾文化,在人來人往的商場中舉辦我的帽子作品展覽,有何不可呢?」 Philip 半躺在沙發上,懶洋洋地說。
訪問前一晚, Philip Treacy 才抵港,第一時間不是休息,而是到展覽場地打點。他對場地佈置有意見,希望能按照自己的想法重新設置,於是原定在翌日開始舉行的展覽只好延遲一天。主辦單位原意找來外籍女模特兒演繹 Philip 的帽子,卻遭他否決﹕「為什麼不找一些亞洲面孔呢?」他說這話的語氣並沒有抱怨成分,只是客客氣氣地表達自己的要求。
「很多人認為亞洲人不適合戴帽子,其實是錯覺。帽子在亞洲有深厚的文化。亞洲女士並不是不喜歡戴帽,她們也不是比歐洲人戴得不好看。任何人也可以戴帽子,重點是要找到適合自己的。」他在商場找來兩位顧客服務員充當模特兒,再在他帶來作展覽的 35 頂帽子中,為她們挑選合適的。看名人、模特兒佩戴 Philip 製作的帽子多,原來外形誇張的帽子落在凡人頭頂上,也很好看。 「帽子是Fruits for the Soul」
作為帽子設計師, Philip Treacy 甚少戴帽示人,「女士戴誇張的帽子,可以很美;男士卻應該選擇最經典、優雅的款式,否則只會像個笨蛋、傻瓜。我也只有數頂由自家品牌製造的帽子,都是最簡單的經典設計」。是次展出全部為女士帽子,其中焦點自是以 lycra 物料及 彈性絲綢 製成的熒光粉紅 羅茲威爾 帽子。此帽創作靈感源自 1947 年 羅茲威爾 不明飛行物體,兩旁的觸鬚讓佩戴者看來像外星生物。當年時尚女王 Isabella Blow 曾戴此帽現身倫敦時裝周,成為她最為人津津樂道的 fashion moment 之一。 Isabella Blow 生前亦是 Philip 的設計繆思。
靈感女神離世了, Philip 近年更積極與不同類型的單位合作,例如時裝設計師、酒店、家品、香檳名牌等。「有時候他們會給我靈感,他們會質疑我的設計,但那是合作中最有趣的地方。 Alexander McQueen 也好, Karl Lagerfeld 也好,都是喜歡挑戰別人的人。 Alexander McQueen 是瘋狂的,與他的設計一樣; Karl Lagerfeld 亦有很多個人意見,卻愛以古典、傳統的方式表達。」
設計師大多是對自己要求很高的人, Philip 也不例外,儘管有不少炙手可熱的設計,但對於 2006 年與 Umbro 合作的不愉快經驗,他仍然耿耿於懷。「那次合作,原意是設計高級奢華的運動服,但我和品牌意見分歧,只匆匆兩季便終止了合作,到現在我還是感到遺憾。不過,我還是很喜歡運動服, Quiksilver 、 Nike 、 Y-3 等都是我喜歡的品牌。我認為運動服是最貼近現代和未來的服裝。」
接下來,他為 Valentino 設計的鞋子將會推出,與 Alexander McQueen 、 Karl Lagerfeld 的合作也正驗進行中。「不斷做一些沒有試過的事情,生活才更有趣。我們活在現實當中,所以才需要夢想。我作的設計,就是在出售夢想。生活中有 good times 和 bad times ,我希望大家戴上我的帽子時,都是一個 good times 的經。」
半躺在沙發上的仍然是外表懶洋洋的 Philip Treacy ,但你會知道他對生活、對設計,從來都是認真的。

October 06, 2009
Philip Treacy's First Foray into Footwear

Backstage at Valentino, people were congratulating Philip Treacy for his first shoe design ever. The shoes, all black, had elaborately embroidered netting that extended from the heel like wings. He said that the experience was interesting for him: "I am usually working on the head and then to move to the foot is a whole other dimension,"

he explained. "You can't have the same fragility, because models walk like racehorses and kick them together. And then something very delicate is in tatters—but actually, it looks quite good in tatters!"


be to honest, i am a little bit scared.... transformer..

anyway,, update more infor abt this kind of design clothing later...~" :P

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How many ways u can wear for the COZY??

Just a piece of fabric and create million of lifestyle -

Must-watch video to know more abt dressing cozy n create ur own style of wearing!

Monday, October 5, 2009

little thing, big meaning


a 她 老來難免 遺忘甚麼是甜
當 炒菜落得太多鹽 看著這天

b1 她 怕人嫌棄 沉默或撒嬌 只驚再不重要
無人要 無人去引她一笑

c1 嫲嫲糊塗如娃娃 麻煩時誰來親她 誰留神誰在慢慢變化
當天將爸爸當寶貝 來到了現在盡量像寶寶關愛她
兒時人人如娃娃 頑皮仍人人寵他 誰憐誰何妨掉換一下
老花的雙眼像小孩 望大人講 病了別要怕 ha…

b2 她 有時投訴 為何沒法聽真 兒孫都細寫在談笑
未知道 連鄰舍也都聽到

c2 嫲嫲糊塗如娃娃 麻煩時誰來親她 誰留神誰在慢慢變化
當天將爸爸當寶貝 來到了現在盡量像寶寶關愛她
兒時人人如娃娃 頑皮仍人人寵他 誰憐誰何妨掉換一下
老花的雙眼多眨幾下 像提醒 誰來給她保駕

d 誰由誰全力湊大 大路上又怕走歪
輪到她要關懷 嫲嫲乖

c3 孩兒能成為爸媽 從前由誰扶一把 誰能逃年月在演化
過去既製造過寵兒 捱到了現在但願讓她得到縱寵一下
從前由誰來當家 現在是誰扶穩她
如孩童無助叮驚訝 看她此際亦看到你的將來
留心點好嗎 ha... 她蒼老了 她可愛似娃娃

Monday, September 14, 2009

Danz Music fashion @ Korea

Besides the hottest teardropping korean songs and its R&B style,
Danz beat songs still hit in the country.

Korean Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(( i find myself kinda like those^3^))

Okay, so come on, guys, check this out!

First, watch Super Junior!!



look closely, not all guys hving good dressing"


c, not really all of them are in quality"" i mean danzing pose... hahahaLOL

sorry, sorry"

btw, they sing PTH version hit taiwan market~


BoA, really love her danz, so smoothly and energetic.

Watch her style, i find some interesting

her hair style didn't chg so much,
she keeps her light soft mid-long hair straight,
sometimes gold, but mostly black.

once try rock shoulder length hair with gel.

HENCE, Hair Style really means LOTS!

GOGOGOGO, chg something - i mean my hair, haha:)

Saturday, September 12, 2009




Friday, September 11, 2009



It is a phenomenon

New star is rising~~^^ congraz~
although her voice hvn't stimulate my tears, she can be nurtured into a nice girl or star.

at least she is young. ( oh! same age as me>u<)


I hope she can find her own style, othervise it is more and more difficult to live in this contest-winners-market.

american idol, america's got talent, bristain's got talent, X factor

and also taiwan's 星光, 香港's 亞洲星光大道

It is a phenomenon.


早安家族NEW STAR(臺灣電視公司)
明日之星Super Star (民視電視公司)(東森電視)




Live The Dream
The Dance Floor

Astro新秀大賽[1] Astro Star Quest
絕對SuperStar (馬來西亞) Project Superstar
馬來西亞明星偶像 Star Idol Malaysia
大馬偶像 Malaysian Idol
萬中選一 One In A Million
我要做Model I Wanna Be a Model
終極天團 Ultimate Power Group

Dancing with the Stars(ABC、BBC Worldwide)

Pop Idol(ITV)
X Factor(ITV)

Nouvelle Star
Star Academy

澳洲偶像(Network Ten,Australian Idol)

加拿大偶像(CTV電視網,Canadian Idol)

How many?!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blonde, Smoky and Glittering...that's how i realize!

Thanks my bb gave me a link of a video~
n wt my eyes were shinning is abt her style! but not the song! OH.! isn't it?
watch n c~^^
Little Boots

Little Boots - New In Town

Metallic Look~Space feeling

this is it, the whole outfit~ oversize golden acc.s w/ exposed back blue sequin dress~~*

the 2d dress printing showing a 3d kaleidoscope effect.

shu uemura fake eyelashes???~:)

oversize acc again~

YSL? belt helps!

YES, Black dress n black platform!>3<

OH??! oh my god! how can u believe rock girl turns into like that?!

Scarlett remains her sexiest character but her face is not really like her, that's how she attracted me!

Mango F/W collection 80's

leopard/ animal prints, studs, short tight skirt and definitely high heels

Knitwear is always the focus i looked at, but the effect shown in this legging creates other emphasis here.

Surely, her pose is wonderful~ no doubt.

and she..... remines me a girl!

Taylor Momsen

i like she creates the rock style for herself, really fresh n chic .

but if u ask me, she dont' really handle it well all the time.

sometimes too much, sometimes over-make up, sometimes over-expose.


Being Young, is the best.

wt she inspire me the most is her chg from season 1 to season 2 of gossip girl.

i dont' like Jenny personal character. however, wt she designed n her style of dressing are over-whelmed.


this 's little boots, but i think the photo is so like Little J!~:P

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Young d~







Social Responsibility

以往20年來,紐約市一直是DKNY靈感創作來源,我們該如何向這個充滿能量的都市表達謝意?DKNY以一顆誠摯的心與時尚的觸覺,打造一款慈善紀念T-Shirt 獻給喜愛DKNY的時尚人士。每售出一件 DKNY 20 週年慈善紀念T-Shirt,部份收益將捐助「國際微笑行動」。這個慈善機構自1982年創立起致力於改善世界各地唇齶裂兒童生活。

DKNY 20週年慈善紀念T-Shirt將於 2009 年秋季在各DKNY專門店發售,並同期於店內設置「國際微笑行動」捐款箱作募捐。

看來 公益是大勢所趨。時裝界,這要有社會責任^^

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steve Madden

look up many new style of life~

new tech, new music, new knowledge

n now,

is time for great beauty madden handbags

n Steve Madden, surely own the perfect shoes' shape amg the field!

i like her heels!! the shape is beautiful

but i still hvn;t own any one of its product, cause, they a not match with my current wardrobe~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Online Shoooooooooopping

Everything has two sides, don't see things just in one angle.

Online shopping for clothes once a bad image in my mind. Since we buy for service, quality, real product and shopping experience, but there are is equal sign between them.

However, my mindset changed and started to see different sides in one subject.

Online shopping, is kind of like a channel for people who is busy for shopping. ??? BUSY FROM SHOPPING? Yes, there is no doubt that some people who are really busy in work or hate going out. Hence, online shopping is convenient because goods photos are showed, as well as wearing by some models, resemble to what we fit for this clothes.

There are something good for online shopping -skips the foot pain and walk for searchingAs we save time for resting from tired and walking all over malls and streets, we just have some "clicks" and diversity of online shopping websites, product relevant are all displaced on our screen.

Still, we challenge for it!
Yes, even I, who don't believe on online shopping, interested or eager to buy clothes on there. there must be something attrative and we should focus on that!

which is..

you are right, the price.

price in there must be the major selling point.
as i know, most of the sellers are wholesalers who own stocks and resell to the stores we shopped for!
i have been a sales at high street before, and i observed that some of the clothes sold are bought from hk wholesales in NT (BELIEVE OR NOT! HIGH FASHION, BABY!)so why we buy for their rent but not shop for the beginner of wholesale?


the solution of fitting problem

it is right not to turly believe on the measurements showed on websites, and remember what i have told you on the upper paragraph? they resell to the stores!so the method to eliminate the hestitation of buying is to try the real clothes on the stores and buy online!

haha, i try once already~~^^ clothes that i am gonna own:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jeans - How to buy a pair of Jeans?

通常从哪几个方面来检查一条牛仔裤的质量?  我们所说的牛仔裤质量,主要是指其内在质量,通常跟品牌及款式无关。一条牛仔裤的内在质量,主要是由面料质量、版型设计、车工质量、洗水质量、辅料质量等几个方面组成的。一条牛仔裤是否高档,除了做工精致和版型设计要好以外,面料和洗水的档次几乎决定了整条裤子的档次。  为什么说面料质量对一条牛仔裤的影响至关重要?  牛仔裤是很特殊的一类服装,它的主要特点是寿命很长,而且产品的价值随着寿命的增加也在不断地增加,也就是说越旧的牛仔裤,其实是应该越值钱的,同时也更漂亮。越洗越漂亮,越旧越有味,是牛仔裤不同于一般服装的显著特点。要达到这个目的,面料的质地无疑就显得至关重要了。面料不好的牛仔裤,不只是产品寿命短,穿着不贴身不舒服,而且易变型、掉色,在穿着过程中也达不到越旧越有价值的效果。同时,牛仔裤的附加值也是靠洗水来体现的,而洗水的好坏及效果,完全是依赖于面料的质地,没有好的面料,是根本不可能做出很高档的洗水效果来。可以说,一条牛仔裤的档次高低,很大程度上就是由面料的档次来决定的。消费者在购买牛仔裤时不考虑面料因素,是很不成熟的表现。  目前市场上面料掺假主要由哪些手段?  通常有原料掺假和组织掺假,原料掺假主要是指用价格相对低廉的化纤代替棉花,以及用落棉、回收棉(相当于造纸业中的废纸再生)这类严重影响人体健康的低劣原材料纺成纱线用于牛仔布的织造,染成深色后,通常消费都就无法辨别出来。比如现在市场上质量好点的10支环锭纺竹节纱,通常要23000元/吨上下,但回收棉纺成的纱线只要几千块钱一吨,差价惊人。弹力面料中采用劣质的氨纶丝造成产品洗几次后就没什么弹力。同时用于纱线染色的染料,价格也相差很大,质量差的布通常就是用最便宜的染料来染色的。组织掺假就是指有些面料看起来跟合格面料一样,但组织明显稀疏,布面风格远不如合格产品,也就是偷工减料。此外,一般质量差的布通常是由淘汰旧机(价格只相当于进口新织机的十分之一不到)织出来的,因受设备限制,织出来的布,不仅组织单一、品种以大路货为主,而且布面风格明显很差,布面痴点特别多。  版型(裤型)是一个什么概念?  通俗地来讲,就是一条牛仔裤在放纸样时,所有裁片的各项数据和参数。版型设计的风格和好坏,直接影响到一条牛仔裤的穿着舒服度和外观美感度。许多消费者通常会把版型跟款式混为一谈。消费者在购买牛仔裤时应该遵循什么原则来挑选?  首先得挑版型,版型不合自己,其它方面做得再好的牛仔裤都不应该去购买的。好的适合自己的版型,应该是穿上后,全身贴身舒服,没有勒的感觉,女孩子臀部和腿部曲线能体现完美,不要有不协调的松垮现象。版型和尺码合自己后,就看面料质地和洗水质量及车工质量,再检查下拉链等辅料质量,然后看产品中有没有自己中意的款式,最后综合价格因素,就可以考虑是否购买了。  如何检查车工质量?  一般消费者都会看,你可以翻开裤脚看看,锁边线、车线质量就相对易看出来。在拉链处,各类线比较多,也可以看出车工是否精致,还要注意检查打枣线的质量。有一个简单的方法,看车工质量如何,光看看裤子里边后腰位置的商标唛车的好不好就可以了。因为唛通常比较小,车线时对车工是一个考验,小东西但不易车好。在谈车工质量时不能忘记的是缝纫线的质量,通常低档货的线质量也是很差的,一拉就断。  如何简单看洗水的质量和档次?  洗水质量和档次是决定一条牛仔裤档次的主要因素,通常高档的牛仔裤,洗水会做的相对复杂,手工较多,而且洗手设计会比较有特点。因为许多洗水工艺主要是由工人一条条用手工做出来的,所以通常同一个品牌同一批货中,洗水质量都会有差别的。通常好的洗水,看起来很自然,不管是做手擦、马骝还是油画,洗出来的效果越像经过多年穿洗后自然磨损的褪色效果,就越好。做得差的洗水,一眼看上去就不真实不自然。  如何挑选牛仔裤的颜色?  以前牛仔裤的组织和颜色都很单一,现在牛仔面料也慢慢时装化了,在色彩上也变得丰富起来。但基本上还是以靛蓝和蓝黑为主。主要原因是蓝色洗水后的效果最让大众喜欢,而且经得住时间的考验。那些杂色牛仔裤曾经也有段时间风行过,但都像一阵风一样吹过去了,所以对大部分消费都来说,对牛仔裤在颜色方面作太多挑剔,就有点小题大做了。靛蓝是非坚固色,有越洗越漂亮的效果,所以它也是牛仔裤永恒的美丽色。牛仔面料的厚度是如何区分的?  布重跟纱支和织物经纬密度有关,纱越粗密度越大布越厚,其重量也越大。一般可分为轻型、中型和重型三类。轻型布重为200-340克/平方米(6-10盎司/平方码),中型340-450克/平米(10-13盎司/平方码),重型450克以上(13盎司/平方码以上)。  盎司、码和英寸是什么概念?  盎司,一般在纺织界简称OZ,它的换算是1盎司等于28.375克,可是在称布机上一般为28.35克。   1码=0.9144米。1英寸=2.54厘米。牛仔面料的长度通常是以码为单位来计算的,通常人们会说这卷布有多少码?你们的面料是多少钱一码?而牛仔裤的尺码通常是以英寸来放码的,比如确定27码的臀围91厘米为基准数,28码就比27码大一英寸,26码则比27码小一英寸。有些消费者以为自己的臀围是公制的二尺八,那牛仔裤的尺码就是28,这是不准确的。  一般消费者在购买牛仔裤时的误区有哪些?  因为一般消费者对面料和版型以及洗水质量不会鉴别,所以通常就想当然地一切以款式和价格为中心。其实,离开版型和面料质地以及加工质量来谈款式,是没有任何意义的,这也是一个相当大的消费误区。我们选购牛仔裤时,只有在保证版型、面料和加工都没什么大问题的前提下,才考虑挑选自己喜欢的款式。许多经典的包括世界知名品牌的牛仔裤,款式都做的极为简单,甚至许多普通消费者还认为它很丑很不时尚,但因为它们在版型、面料和加工这些内在质量方面做的很好,所以穿上这些裤子后,哪怕是款式做的很简单,它那种高档的贵族气质就是能体现出来。相反,许多没内在质量的牛仔裤,虽然款式模仿的很好,但怎么看都是不上档次的产品,而且洗过几次之后,其质量更是惨不忍睹。此外,消费者在消费时不太注重产品的性价比,过度追求便宜的垃圾产品或者是过度迷信一些高价但品质并不太好的洋品牌,也是一个非常不成熟的表现。  为什么说身材好的女孩子最适合穿牛仔裤?  显身材的服装,除了旗袍,应该就是牛仔裤了。同时,牛仔裤的流行程度和穿着方便度显然要高过旗袍,价格也公道。身材好特别是臀部曲线和腿形好的女孩子,穿上一条版型合适,档次不低的牛仔裤,走到大街上,杀伤力是无穷的。可惜现在外面大部分女孩子不会穿牛仔裤,造成许多身材很好的妹妹丑在一条烂裤上。女孩子穿牛仔裤一般掌握什么原则?  身材好加高挑的女孩子,短、中、长裤都合穿。腿短的女孩子,不适合穿五分以下的裤子,最好是穿短裤或者是膝盖以上的中裤加高跟鞋。大腿偏粗的女孩子,最好不要穿紧身牛仔裤,如果只是大腿偏粗但腿形还是很好很高挑的话,穿短裤也是一个好选择。偏瘦型的女孩子,最好不要穿中裤和短裤,以裤筒宽松点但能体现臀部曲线的长裤为佳。直筒裤最好配波鞋或其它平跟鞋。  为什么国际知名品牌牛仔裤的款式通常都做的比较简单?  牛仔裤自面世以来,流行了一百多年,其颜色和款式虽然一直在不断变化着,但靛蓝和五袋款一直是其经典色和经典款。越简单越经典,这就是牛仔裤的特色之一。许多款式,虽然流行了一阵,但通常很难长久,特别是现在市面上一些低档次的产品,款式和图案做得花里胡哨的,不懂行的人还当它很时尚很有品味,真正的行家是对其不屑一顾的。其实,真正很高档的面料,只适合通过做适当的洗水来体现它的档次,然后让时间来延伸它的高品质,如果那些很高档的面料,却用来做许多花哨的图案,实在是有点画蛇添足浪费材料。经典的东西,永远是靠内涵来体现的,牛仔裤也一样。

Thursday, July 16, 2009


i am wondered how gorgerous and globalized wikipedia is!


but i am thinking abt the paton, the copyright thgs" hhe

btw, honestly, i won't go there to search for a public toilet" "


So, the first one is!!!


and the new is

let me show u~^^

the point is , the man in the foto is the painter not the governer who responsible for cleaning the wall"
HA! wt an gd promotion of his lastest exhibtion
from today onwards till 30 sept!( a month to come)
((As well as the LV exhibition and Dior))

New Post!!!!

Hi, this is the new post, What for??

I just want to write down some interesting, inspiring, beautiful nice things and share.

as well as a data base for me to note down the stylish pretty stuff~


Friday, April 24, 2009

Written Report - Color Forecasting of Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010

Color forecasting of Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010


Forecasting based on thousands of researches and understanding to the brand thoughtfully in order to create an informative forecasting report.

My role here is to finding researches and backgrounds of Christian Dior, to forecast the color trend of its Haute Couture S/S 2010.

I found some factors that affecting the color trend and please do click to the labels on the right to read my analysis according to categories.

They includes Economic issue, environmental issue, celebrities, Asian Growth, Chief Creative Director, World Affair and most importantly is to stick to the ground of Dior Concept.

My analysis on the influences of color used in Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010 by following factors

Economic Issue

From 2007 till now 2009, we are experiencing economic recession due to the global financial tsunami. It is widely believed that a business cycle takes placed for 10 years, which base on the past historic data – Economic trough appeared around 1991-1993 and 2001-2002. Hence, the hard time is predicted to be continued to 2010 and even worse.

What I did the researches are the color used in Christian Dior Haute Couture Collections during the day of trough in the past and the recent color used in recession period, 07-08.

By what i have observed and analysed, the color used in collection during Economy Contraction is truly decrease the variety compare with the peak business period. However, to compensate with this, higher chromas and values are applied to the outfits or golden yellow is appeared as one of the colors used, which shows the imaginations and dreams of Dior Concept.

Dior Concept

As Christian Dior launched his brand at the time of post-WWII period, hopes and imaginations should give to people to enjoy the time with no-war as the harsh suffering period was over. The New Look has been designed hence creating a fashion revolution in 1947-1957.

People nowadays do not forget this Dior Spirit and keep desiring fascinating outfits. Addition to this showman – John Galliano, people even demand new look but fit to the ground (bear in mind of the Dior’s style) in the collections.

Will he get his job done? With some of the disappointed comments from fashion editors and viewers towards the latest F/W Ready to Wear 2009, I believe John Galliano will turn fabrics into dreams and hopes in Couture S/S 2010, to continue the imagination created by Christian Dior, as Couture, is the way to let people dream.

Like the commercial of Miss Dior Cherie, creating dreams and mellow feelings from the perfume or, the brand.

Environmental issue

It is believed that John Galliano is sensitive to Environmental Protection resemble to what he commented on the economic situation this year- "Of course I’m sensitive to the economy, but is not my job. My job is to do the best I can to show the possibilities of Dior."
While is it also his job to add this element to the latest collection? I guess the possibility is low.

Unlike Stella McCartney, John Galliano seldom applied green elements as his inspiration and haven’t alleged himself as an environmentalist (while the former awarded as “Green designer of the Year” due to her insistence of environmental friendly designed)
Thus, will it be the trend for Galliano to follow?

According to his inspiration of collections, they mostly come from old people and exotic cultures after his voyages. As his job is to giving people hopes and imaginations, I think adding awareness of environmental friendly by using many greenish colors is not his cup of tea to his come up collection.

­Asian Growth

Asia culture is one of his favorite elements adds to the collections. Due to the rapid growth in all directions of developing countries like China and India, Galliano as being a travel-lover would not miss the trip and take the opportunity to enter the Asian market as what Christian Dior did during his Dior’s house career (he travelled to the America as he foresaw the opportunity).

I Forecast the Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010 will also be added on some Asian elements, ornaments, floral or Asian embroidery may be applied on the outfits. By tracing back to Couture S/S 2009, 2008 and 2007, we can see the floral prints (Netherlands) 2009, ornaments 2008 and Japanese elements – obis, kimono, origami folding 2007 are applied.


Celebrities are one of the factors that will influence the Color Trend and they have the possibilities to be the inspiration of the designer to create the latest collection. Barack Obama, as an inspiration for some Top designers, his face is printed on the clothes and was presented during the Fashion weeks.

Focus on Christian Dior S/S RTW 09, it is obviously showing that the designs leaned to conservative (back to 80s) and avoid too much hues applied. Color used is low chroma and low value, added with more black and white in the collection.

This phenomenon can be reflected not only by the bad mood of economic downturn, but also by the influence of French First Lady, Carla Bruni, who dresses Dior whenever she shows up in front of the media. With the political image, what she should dress and dressed was formal but befits the occasions. As one of the France-origin Fashion Brand, John Galliano designed his latest collection more or less followed this conservation line.

However, when we turn our eyes to the Hollywood stars, who equally have the influence to the world, dressed like peacock on the red carpet in the 81st Oscars Awards. What did it imply?

When the air is full of sorrow and resentment due to the financial tsunami, they were willing to forgo black and grey dresses but to wear bright colors like red and lilac, what do you think they were feeling?

They absolutely desire happiness and wear optimistic vision to the economy. Hence, they dressed warm colors instead of cool and dull colors.

This is the phenomenon I analyzed, so as to the designer I suppose. Providing imagination through the clothes is definitely the job of Christian Dior designer. With the concept of providing dream and imagination of the brand, just like what current Dior's Chief Creative Director, John Galliano said: "It's our job to make people dream, and to provide the value in quality, cut, and imagination."

That’s why I forecast the feeling of color should be peaceful, cheerful and have healing effect.

My Forecasting Colors

With everyone waiting for a new look (implying dream and imagination) in the next Couture S/S, Mr. Galliano’s job definitely is to design beautiful, fascinating masterpieces to the world, for them to take a break in the economic recession.

So I forecast the color scheme in Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010 collection is Double Complimentary color scheme.

Due to the complementary colors used, great contrast is created and draws people attention, so as to give a new fresh air to the world during this hard time.

Yellow and Purple, Mint and Magenta hues are used as Complementary Colors.

As Turquoise symbolizes emotional healing, pleasing, rich and protection, it would be a suitable hue used in the collection.

Brick red is used as the analogic color to magenta and purple.

Different Hues with High Chroma and High Value used(both are 80%), sharp, bright, and cheerful feelings are shown.

Achromatic color – White as a relief color and having peaceful implication, will be widely added in the collection or as individual outfits to intensify the color/meaning of colors surrounded them.

As we observed that monochromatic color scheme is often used in these 2 years including couture S/S09, F/W 08 and S/S 08. It becomes a bored color scheme in recent years.

That’s why I forecast 2 adjacent hues will be used in single outfits.

Principle of Order is achieved as it is based on an orderly plan even there are contrasting colors existed, giving the whole collection harmonic feeling.


Double Complimentary Color scheme and my related color forecasting on Christian Dior Haute Couture S/S 2010 is based on the consideration of Dior Concept, Style of Current designer, Color Trend, Economic issue, celebrities, advertisements of the brand and World affairs.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stella McCartney - Green Designer

Stella McCartney Wins :: Green Designer Of The Year!

Animal friendly eco-accessories

Refuse to use Fur

Green Color used in collection

Fabrics use organic and natural resources

all shows that she is a 100% environmentist!


Concerning about Environmental Protection - McQueen

Alexander McQueen F/W RTW 2009

Trash bags, accessorized with aluminum cans wrapped in plastic as headgear

My Analysis

Global Warming is one of the Hot Topic in 21st Centery.
Due to the Raising up of Carbon Dioxide Emission,
Green House Effect adversely impact to our Planet!
Protect our Earth is the key to slow down the crisis appeared.
Hence, More and More Fashion brands use Envirnmental Issue as their Collection theme to tell the people it is time to wake up!

Alexander McQueen, being one of the Environmental pioreer, not only shows his concern about Environmental Protection in this season, but also in the last S/S RTW collection.
Using a video projecting the revolving Earth, surrounded by lots of animals like an elephant, giraffe, polar bear, lion, and other endangered species. With the inspiration from Charles Darwin, the survival of the fittest, and the deleterious results of industrialization , he done a great job in telling people to Rethink.

Will it continues be the element in next season for McQueen?
We should keep an eye on him and see the trend.

So how about Other's brand? Will they fellow?
there is the possibility on this, but we still have to do research on the brand and the chief designer before forecasting.

Ref: Post Magazine From SCMP March 29, 2009
Ref: Mingpao Style Magazine 24/10/2008

Monday, April 20, 2009

60th Anniversary Couture Fashion Show with John Galliano Interview

this is the video showing the CD Haute Couture Spring 2007 by John Galliano
60th Anniversary celebrate 60 years of launching Christian Dior.
this collection is inspired by Japanese Geisha, kimono, obis(日本婦女和服上裝飾用的寬腰帶),
origami 【日】摺紙術 folding due to his voyage to Japan and talked to Cio-Cio San.

You can take a look to the video and listen to his english interview with french subtitle"

((As video cann't be upload in blogger", please watch them by click the following website, sorry for causing any inconvenence.))

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

BackGround Music are fantistic! very match with with theme and the pace of the models

mono-chromatic color - pink (same hue but different chromatic)
(adding white color - Tint)

Achromatic color(Black+white)
Complementary color(orange+green)
principle of familiarity(earth color)

complementary color(light green+pink)
Anologous color(yellow+light green)

This season, John Galliano use more color on individual outfit which is different from his style used in 08,09 collections in which monochromatic color scheme used in one single dress.

As the time of Economic Booming in 2006 (he designed this S/S collection and presented between Nov,06- Jan,07) - (subprime crisis was not yet bursted out)

Lots of hues are used in this masterpiece collection.

illustrating the joyful of 60th anniversary, japan trip and most likely due to the good view of economy.

Miss Dior Cherie - Perfume

Miss Dior Cherie Commercial

Mood of Ad -

You can see the color tone used in the ad is according to Principle of Familarity.

Low chroma is used in the whole TV commercial.

The feeling of color is MELLOW.

By Showing lose of gravity and fly to the sky after using the Perfume and kissing a boy, Pink Balloons, Bunch of Flowers, Bike, Fountain, ivory clothes, cakes and candies, red carpet, white wall in house,

Fancy and romantic feelings burst out like a Balloon~~**!!

Like John Galliano said:“香水就如音乐或回忆,在你脑海中留下一幅画。香气无形、无色、无属性,却能永远地捕捉住某一时刻或某个人。它是一种情绪、一种态度、一种安静的表达。”

with Brigitte Bardot's《Moi, Je Joue》as background Music~

The other Ad of Miss Dior Cherie.

Anologic Color scheme~~~