My color Analysis: analogic color scheme is used
My color Analysis: analogic color scheme is used
My color Analysis: Monochromatic Color scheme - same hue -green
Photo Ref:
My color Analysis: Monochromatic Color scheme - Same hue - red
Gisele Bunchen for Dior Spring Summer 2009 Gisele, with an interesting new look, stars in the Dior spring summer 2009 ad campaign.
My color Analysis: monochromatic color scheme is used
You can see even the hair from the model - golden , match the scheme of the color~
Low chroma used
monochromatic color scheme
Dior Pink Handbag - Monochromatic color scheme - adding white as background color
with Analogic Color scheme used - Blue (cover of lip gloss and iris of eye) and Pink creates contrast.
We can see nearly all the ads only has one single model/artist appears on the Ads,
different from those in Gucci and Dolce&Gabbana with 2 models or a "family" of Models
We can see nearly all the ads only has one single model/artist appears on the Ads,
different from those in Gucci and Dolce&Gabbana with 2 models or a "family" of Models
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