Sunday, April 12, 2009

Street Shots

12.04.2009 Sundat Raining

After attending the WGSN talk on Thursday Lecture, I am eager to take cool street photos from stylish pedestrians even if pills of projects are approaching.

It would be my first time to take street shots and I am quite nervious to stand on hustle and bustle avenue and ask for photos taking!@@ how will they react when i say.....

"Hi, I am a fashion student from the HK Polytechnic University and I am recently doing a street shot project. I like your style very much, would u mind having a photo shot?"

I have to bare the reject responses and keep asking people and look for the stylish gals and guys. what i need to do is - dont' afraid of fail!

Lets go to Causeway Bay and Central to chase for smart guys~~~~*

Today is SUNDAY and the 3rd of Easter holiday while no school on monday. That's why i planned to spend half of a day on the street as i supposed cool guys and pretty ladies would go down the street and shop and parties at around 5pm till mid-night.


Little did the people on the street in neither CWB and Central's LKF(Lan Kwai Fong) show up!
Spacious streets on sunday night is a miracle!!!

My middle school friends and I was shocked to this situation, but still have some stylish people,, like 1 per 5 mins" haha"-_-

Scenery in central is even worse" there are only Mainland tourists on the street"

see the photos then....

does the raining affect the mood of people??

Most of the people i saw today wearing monochromatic color scheme of clothing, jsut black, white and grey.Outstanding outfits are also not showcased today.
Wt a pity T^T
That's why i experience one thing - research cannot be done just on one single day.^^

I experienced some rejections from the pedestrians, although it turned me down, i kept trying and finally some guys were free to take photo by me^^ which i appreciated the most.
Psychological factors?XD i think the feeling of being asked to take sheet shot is quite excited.
it means i dress smart and receive compliment, right?*V*

That is why i am amazed when a company requesting me to take ALSO a street shot photo for them!!! WAHA! HOW COOL IS IT~^^*!>U<

I also realised english requesting is not work!!XD they were scare away" while i switched back to chinese channel, people tried to approach~~!!

Today is a nice first experience~~~confidence is built up and not afraid of asking and failure.
Street shots are cool~
I hope when i finished exam, i have to do this again and AGAIN!^^

fashion trend can be seen by my naked eyes!

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